Our volunteers are incredible and give up hours of their precious time to support our Armed Forces community.
We have thousands of volunteers who help us with our annual Poppy Appeal and day-to-day operations across the country.
We want to thank each and every one of you for your tireless support, we couldn’t do it without you.
Scottish Poppy Appeal Area Organisers
Scottish Poppy Appeal collections are organised by around 450 local volunteer Area Organisers. In this video, Ramsay McGhee, our Area Organiser on the Black Isle, explains what his role entails.
Scottish Poppy Appeal Collectors & Helpers
Poppyscotland Volunteer Fundraising Support Group
The Armed Forces community cannot wait until November for support and therefore Poppyscotland needs to raise funds all year round. Local community groups of all shapes and sizes from across the country organise their own fundraising activities throughout the year. The film below highlights what the Tryst Patchworkers did for Poppyscotland.