I couldn’t afford the deposit for the rents for new places. It was the lowest time of my life. I thought to myself: 'You’ve served your country, you come home and no-one seems to give a damn about you.' - Donald
Our FREE learning materials highlight the importance of remembrance, veterans and the poppy. The resources have been designed for use by schools, youth groups and families, and are all linked to Curriculum for Excellence.
Download our FREE modern conflicts resources here.
Our inspiring, highly informative, fun activities and learning resources were created for the 75th Anniversary of VE Day. These resources are designed to be Smart Board friendly include a Gaelic version of the learner activities are FREE to download.
These powerful resources focus on the video and voiceover testimonies of three Kindertransport and Holocaust survivors Henry Wuga MBE, Rosa Sacharin and Karola Regent.
Get in touch for ideas on ways to make your fundraising activity a success. We can answer your questions and send you fun fundraising resources.
Our close partnership with Education Scotland has allowed us to develop a library of teaching resources that is fully aligned with Curriculum for Excellence. Find out more about Scotland's curriculum.
We would be delighted to receive your feedback and hear how you use our learning resources. Please fill in the form to get in touch, or send us an email.
Hear, see and feel history come to life. Search our learning resources, find out about our latest competition for schools or book a visit from Bud or a Factory Tour.
2026 will mark 100 years of the poppy in Scotland. To celebrate this momentous occasion, we are inviting you to use your skills to help us design a product that will be on sale in the lead up to 2026 – The Centenary Calendar.
Take a look at the evolution of our Scottish Poppy, and compare it to some poppies from around the world including Canada, New Zealand, America and Australia.
We've packed this guide full of ideas. There's 25 simple yet creative ways to inspire countless educational and fundraising experiences for all ages and abilities. It's available in both English and Gaelic.
Poppyscotland Learning has been developed in conjunction with a number of partner organisations.
Our library of short films includes animated films produced in conjunction with Education Scotland and Lady Haig's Poppy Factory.
From early 2023 you can visit where 3 million poppies and 15,000 poppy wreaths are manufactured, meet the disabled veterans who make them and immerse yourself in the rich history and heritage of the poppy. Register your interest now.
Our theme for 2023 is the Path of the Poppy competition, which invites learners to tell the story of the poppy in Scotland.
The Poppy Story book is a beautifully illustrated paperback book aimed at children aged 4-9 years old and tells the story of the Poppy and Remembrance, with particular reference to Scotland. Buy or order your copy here.
Find out more about Poppyscotland and the Royal British Legion's collaborative work on their Campaigns, Policy and Research.
Our photography archive has images relating to Poppyscotland's activities, past and present. See how boxes of poppies and collection tins have changed over time. You can also browse our archive of posters.