Trusts & foundations giving

Trusts, foundations and corporate supporters make a huge difference to the support we provide.

Thanks to the investment we receive, we’re able to provide vital funds, advice and support to the Armed Forces community throughout Scotland. These donations also allow us to deliver a valuable outreach programme and learning resources to teach the importance of Remembrance, veterans, and the significance of the Poppy to schools and community groups. Please read our latest 2022-2023 Trusts and Foundations Impact Report for more information on where the investment goes.

Know any potentially supportive grant-giving trusts?

We would love to hear about any opportunities. We can provide a written case for support for our work, together with case studies about people we have helped.

Similarly, if you are a Trustee and want to discuss our work and how you can help with supporting the Armed Forces community in Scotland, please get in touch.


Contact us

Please contact Amy Micallef, our Trusts and Foundations Fundraising Manager.


Call 07927 578632 or email 

Download our 2022/23 impact leaflet

Find out more about the difference Trusts & Foundations giving has made and where the money is spent.
Click here

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